Monday, May 11, 2009


Book Club is tomorrow (Tuesday) night at Rebecca's.

She will be sending an e-mail tonight with directions. Please pass this on to anyone who might not check the blog -- I wouldn't want anyone to miss. Plus the menu is to die for!

As a help for Rebecca please RSVP in the comments -- thanks!


Unknown said...

Not that you count on me in any way, shape or form...but unfortunately I CANNOT make it. Have a blast ladies, like you always do!

~Rachel Messel

Heidi said...

Rachel -- we wish you could come!

Oh & Rebecca, I will be there! :) and Shannon your Nordstrom friend is coming too.

Britney said...

I'll be there.

Robyn said...

It makes me want to cry... but I don't think I will be able to come. Will be thinking of you all night! Have fun ladies, and post recipes!

Brenda said...

I guess Gunar will just have to forgive me but a girl can't miss book club!

Steph said...

I'm coming. Can I get directions?

Steph said...

Dang. I was wrong. I looks like I won't be able to make it.

Kara said...

I'll be there (as long as I can get some directions).